
Thursday, February 27, 2014

Why my daughter won’t kiss you...

Baby Z won't kiss you, if she doesn’t want to.

When people force kisses onto my daughter, it makes me cringe. It’s not something I encourage.

J and I always ask Z for kisses. If she doesn’t want to give them, we respect that. This rule goes for parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.

Good scenario: When we are with family, I will ask Baby Z, “Do you want to give Grandma a kiss?” and if she doesn’t want to, that’s okay.

Bad scenario: If someone asks Baby Z for a kiss, and she shows that she isn’t interested, but they go ahead and kiss her anyway or say things like, “I’m going to steal a kiss then.”
  1. Personal space. Baby Z might be just 16 months, but she’s already developed a sense of personal space. If she doesn’t want people in it, or doesn’t want to include others in her space for kisses at that time, that’s okay. I’ll respect it. When people force kisses on her, that’s like saying “You’re not comfortable with this, and I don’t care.”
  2. Forced affection. I want Baby Z’s emotions and actions to be genuine. I don’t ever want her affection to be forced.
  3. Boundaries. Much like personal space, this one has to do with comfort levels, but on a larger level. It comes down to this: I don’t ever want Baby Z to think forced kisses are okay. They aren’t. What if a stranger wants to show her affection? I want her to know that is 100% NOT OKAY and to express that she isn’t comfortable with the situation. I want Baby Z to know that it’s only okay to give kisses when both parties are comfortable.

So please, don’t ever force kisses on my daughter. Ask her. If she shows that she doesn’t want to give you a kiss, please respect her decision. 

Monday, February 3, 2014

February Financial Goal

February's goal will be simple: No buying baby items that aren't necessities for the month.

Baby clothes are cute, and hard to resist, so this will be a test of strength!

Update: January Financial Goal
My goal in January was to not spend in our work cafeteria. Although it didn't go as expected, I only spent $20 for the month. Not ideal, but I'll take it

Saturday, February 1, 2014

DIY Hair Detangler

Make your own spray hair detangler using ingredients you already have at home.

Baby Z's hair is getting long and with it's baby fineness, it tangles easily.

When researching spray hair detanglers--it hit me--I can make my own using what I already have!

DIY Detangler:

What you need:
Empty spray bottle
Hair conditioner

Directions: Squirt a small amount of conditioner in a spray bottle. Fill the rest up with water. Shake, shake, shake! Now you've got your own DIY hair detangler!

Monday, January 6, 2014

January Financial Goal

Before our move, I set a financial goal each month. Now that we are settled in a bit, I plan on continuing that pattern.

January goal = No spending money on food/coffee at work


These goals may seem silly, but they really add up in the long term. Plus, they help set good spending habits. My financial goal for the remainder of year will vary each month.  And sometimes, it will just be a week-long goal (i.e. using pantry and freezer foods for a week instead of grocery shopping).

They're a lot of fun, so feel free to join or comment with any financial goals you might set for yourself or ideas you have for future months.